Tankless Water Heater Installation Williamsburg, MA

Ben was very professional and was honest in his assessment. He was flexible in working us into his schedule. He was easy to work with. I would recommend him.
Need Tankless Water Heater Installation in Williamsburg, MA?
Most homeowners don’t know that they have options for their water heater. While storage water heaters are the most common, you might want a tankless water heater. They take up less space in your home and can save on electricity.
That’s because your water will only get heated when you’re using it. Whether you need a water heater replacement or just want to upgrade, feel free to call us today at 413-485-4375 and schedule your free estimate!
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Expert Tankless Water Heater Installation in Williamsburg, MA
We’ve been doing this a long time, and a lot of our customers mention that they never heard of tankless water heaters. It’s a newer concept, but one that’s worth considering. With no tank in the way, your water will get heated directly with electricity or natural gas power. Plus, there’s no tank to take up space.
It’s understandable that you might worry about how useful a tankless water heater can be. According to energy.gov, gas-powered tankless water heaters have a better flow output than electric ones. Tankless water heaters are very efficient with their water use, too. As much as 5 gallons can get heated up per minute!
With a tankless water heater, you’ll never have to worry about constant, consistent hot water. You can also get more than one, if you’ve got a large family or a bigger home. They can mount on the wall or ceiling, so you’ve got options to save space! Call 413-485-4375 today for your free inspection and feel free to ask any questions you have!
Speedy Tankless Water Heater Installation in Williamsburg, MA
One of the biggest choices you’ll have is the power source. Newer models can run on solar energy, but most use electricity or natural gas to work.
As you might have guessed, electric water heaters use more electricity. However, that means they tend to heat your water more effectively.
Gas tankless water heaters, on the other hand, last longer. They’re also less expensive to power, so you can save money with this style.
One reason for this is due to the automatic shut-off feature. A gas tankless water heater can sense scale build-up and turn off for safety.
This can prevent damages and costly repairs. Still, each power source has benefits to consider. Call us today at 413-485-4375 to find out more!
Affordable Tankless Water Heater Installation in Williamsburg, MA
While many people haven’t heard of tankless water heaters, some have. In fact, they’ve been called “instant” water heaters. They’re not technically instant, but tankless water heaters do work faster than the traditional storage tank. Our tankless models can use as much as half the power, which can save electricity and water.
Another reason for this is that tankless water heaters only run when you’re using water. There’s no passive energy consumption, but you’ll have hot water anytime you need it. You might need a gas line installation to get natural gas to your gas tankless water heater, though they can run on propane.
Either way, tankless water heaters are more energy efficient and take up less space. Let our water heater experts give you a free inspection today when you call 413-485-4375 to get started!
Best Tankless Water Heater Installation in Williamsburg, MA
The reason that tankless water heaters are more efficient is due to their function. There’s no tank to heat up, so they only heat the water that passes through.
We know cost is always a consideration. Tankless water heaters can be more expensive up-front, but you can save on reduced electric and water bills in the long-run.
Our experts know how much space a tankless water heater can provide for. In the case of a large home or family, we might suggest getting a second water heater.
They also come in different sizes. Larger tankless water heaters can do more than small ones, but they cost more. Call us today at 413-485-4375 for your free estimate!